Best quotes by Richard Edelman on Media

Checkout quotes by Richard Edelman on Media

  • Most smart companies should make themselves media companies. That means they put out their own information.
    - Richard Edelman
  • Advertising has a problem. They're being squeezed because media buyers and digital firms are doing the creative. They're being squeezed because people aren't viewing their stuff.
    - Richard Edelman
  • Mainstream media has been abandoned by many, for ideological reasons mostly, and brands need to directly engage with the end-user of information and offer opportunities for consumer- and employee-generated content.
    - Richard Edelman
  • Trump has moved campaigns into a post-advertising era with a total reversal of spend from paid to earned media.
    - Richard Edelman
  • There was a near-universal set of editorial endorsements of Clinton. Trump used this disparity to his advantage, to claim media bias and unify his base of supporters.
    - Richard Edelman
  • The separation of audience into tribes preferring to reinforce their own views with media of similar ideological stripe makes true debate impossible.
    - Richard Edelman
  • Companies should take advantage of social media's power to connect, but honor the continued role of media in shaping opinion.
    - Richard Edelman