Best quotes by Winnie Byanyima on People

Checkout quotes by Winnie Byanyima on People

  • Wealth does not trickle down to the poor. Oxfam knows this, the IMF knows this, the World Bank knows this. Poor people have always known this.
    - Winnie Byanyima
  • The people standing up most strongly for our democracies should be celebrated, not prosecuted - be it those countless human rights defenders who defend all our rights or the brave whistle-blowers who expose tax dodging.
    - Winnie Byanyima
  • The high price of medicines is crippling healthcare systems and denying people access to the treatments they so desperately need.
    - Winnie Byanyima
  • Billions of people are being left behind by economic growth.
    - Winnie Byanyima
  • Instead of presiding over an economic system that panders to big business and a wealthy elite, a more human economy must be established which meets the needs of African women and young people.
    - Winnie Byanyima