Best quotes by Paul LePage on Work

Checkout quotes by Paul LePage on Work

  • The best part of my life is I've been hired to work for the people of the state of Maine, and I'm very humble and very proud.
    - Paul LePage
  • I care for the poor. I am the one willing to work with the poor and have a safety net we can all depend on and make people understand that nothing in life is free. You have to get back to society.
    - Paul LePage
  • I went to work at 11 years old. I became governor. It's not a big deal. Work doesn't hurt anybody. I'm all for not allowing a 12-year-old to work 40 hours. But a 12-year-old working eight to 10 hours a week or a 14-year-old working 12 to 15 hours a week is not bad.
    - Paul LePage
  • I believe if an individual wants to join organized labor and work under a union contract, they should have the legal right to do so. At the same token, a person who does not want to work under organized labor and wants to work should have the ability to do so without the threat of having to join and having to pay dues to organized labor.
    - Paul LePage
  • I did not come to Augusta to provide lip service. I came to work for the Maine people. I also came to Augusta to root out crooked politicians and government corruption.
    - Paul LePage