Best quotes by Taavet Hinrikus on New

Checkout quotes by Taavet Hinrikus on New

  • Creating a new country from scratch has given Estonia the license to imagine what a country could be.
    - Taavet Hinrikus
  • In 2011, when we launched TransferWise, it was our frustration with banks not giving us what we wanted or needed as customers. The motivation was a strong desire to solve a problem and not just fix something that was broken but create a better alternative and a new system for doing things.
    - Taavet Hinrikus
  • When a new hire is afraid to roll up their sleeves and get things done, it's a clear sign it's not going to work out.
    - Taavet Hinrikus
  • Financial services have always been about trust. Perhaps the biggest barrier to entry has been getting new customers to trust an unknown brand or service, and that's particularly true with digital disruptors who lack a physical presence on the local high street.
    - Taavet Hinrikus
  • Most of my time at Skype was spent doing new things.
    - Taavet Hinrikus