Best quotes by Pier Luigi Loro Piana on Quality

Checkout quotes by Pier Luigi Loro Piana on Quality

  • We check everything to make sure it is pure and of the highest quality. There is good wine and bad wine; we buy only the good wine.
    - Pier Luigi Loro Piana
  • Loro Piana is all about seeking quality materials.
    - Pier Luigi Loro Piana
  • Our customers are quality maniacs.
    - Pier Luigi Loro Piana
  • Quality will save our company.
    - Pier Luigi Loro Piana
  • When we started, there was lots of formalwear made with quality fabrics, but Loro Piana's innovation was to use these in casualwear, too.
    - Pier Luigi Loro Piana
  • Being at a very high quality level was the only way for us to survive.
    - Pier Luigi Loro Piana
  • Luxury is research in quality. It's quality with no compromise. What does that mean? That you don't think about how much something will cost to be able to achieve the very, very best.
    - Pier Luigi Loro Piana