Best quotes by Philip Green on Business

Checkout quotes by Philip Green on Business

  • There is no reason why government should not be as efficient as any good business.
    - Philip Green
  • I'm in the retail business, not the circus business.
    - Philip Green
  • If you go 90 yards in a hundred-yard race, you come last. Usain Bolt slows down for the last half a yard, but for 99 yards, he is that far ahead that he can. In our business, you can't be far enough ahead. It is such a competitive marketplace.
    - Philip Green
  • I wasn't a good school pupil. I was interested in business.
    - Philip Green
  • I hope and believe all the people that worked very closely with me at BHS for all those years, and some for the whole journey, will know it was never my intention for the business to have the ending it did.
    - Philip Green