Best quotes by John Wycliffe on Men

Checkout quotes by John Wycliffe on Men

  • Christ's fishermen should not meddle with men's law, for men' s law contains sharp stones and trees by which the net of God is broken, and the fish wend out of the world.
    - John Wycliffe
  • The highest service that men may attain to on earth is to preach the word of God. This service falls peculiarly to priests, and therefore, God more directly demands it of them.
    - John Wycliffe
  • God may not accept a person to forgive him his sins, without an atonement, else he must give free license to sin both in angels and men, and then sin were no sin, and our God were no God.
    - John Wycliffe
  • The New Testament is of full authority and open to the understanding of simple men as to the points most needful to salvation.
    - John Wycliffe
  • Men mark the passion of Christ, and print it on their heart somewhat to follow it. It was the most voluntary passion that ever was suffered, and the most painful. It was most voluntary, and so most meritorious.
    - John Wycliffe