Best quotes by Phil Klay on People

Checkout quotes by Phil Klay on People

  • I have friends with post-traumatic stress - friends with post-traumatic stress who are, you know, highly successful, capable people.
    - Phil Klay
  • Sometimes macho language is to mask things people are not ready to deal with.
    - Phil Klay
  • A lot of times, you're interacting with people for whom you're one of the very few veterans that they've met or had a lot of interactions with, and there's a temptation for you to feel like you can pontificate about what the experience was or what it meant, and that leads to a lot of nonsense.
    - Phil Klay
  • People have a very political way of looking at war, and that's understandable.
    - Phil Klay
  • There's a wide spectrum between a Navy SEAL hero-killer and a traumatized victim, but those are the archetypes - hashed and rehashed in the media, in popular culture, in the minds of people with a lot of preconceived notions but not much else.
    - Phil Klay
  • It's easier to get people to talk to you if you're a vet and you want to interview a vet about war. Sometimes they open up a little bit easier.
    - Phil Klay
  • One of the things that's difficult for people to understand is when you join the military, you don't sign up as an endorsement of any particular policy of the moment.
    - Phil Klay