Best quotes by Phil Heath on Time

Checkout quotes by Phil Heath on Time

  • Constant tension should be applied to the last five reps of every working set, meaning, do the first 5-6 reps normal tempo, and the last few reps should be held for at least two seconds at the peak of the contraction. This allows your muscles to have more time under tension, and you work different muscle fibers.
    - Phil Heath
  • I grew up playing basketball in the inner city of Seattle, and by the time I was a senior, I earned a full scholarship to the University of Denver.
    - Phil Heath
  • I grew up as an only child, so I like being by myself. So I train predominantly - 98 percent of the time - by myself.
    - Phil Heath
  • You can't be around people who appease you all the time.
    - Phil Heath
  • I see guys who are in the gym all the time, but their bodies are not a reflection of that. They look the same from year to year, and that has to do with the fact that they're not evaluating the effect of their efforts.
    - Phil Heath
  • Every so often, I'll look at myself in the mirror and go, 'You're a bad mother,' you know? Like, 'You're a bad dude, man, and you're gonna show the world who you are when the time is right.'
    - Phil Heath
  • I despised basketball for a long time.
    - Phil Heath