Best quotes by Elizabeth Diller on Work

Checkout quotes by Elizabeth Diller on Work

  • Many tools are indispensable for my work, from a utility knife to parametric-modeling software, like Digital Project. But it's important not to confuse the tool for the content, as some designers under 30 do.
    - Elizabeth Diller
  • My interest was always to do interdisciplinary work with space. I thought of architecture as one strand in a multimedia practice.
    - Elizabeth Diller
  • The public brings our buildings to life, and we try to choreograph a lot of things, but our most successful work functions in unanticipated ways. Like the Blur Building. When little kids got in there, they cried or laughed or ran around. And no matter how much theory we put on top of it, it didn't matter: it worked.
    - Elizabeth Diller
  • We were kind of arrogant when we started and became really humbled as we were doing architecture. It's really hard to work with budgets and deadlines and all of these collaborators and all of these voices and special interests.
    - Elizabeth Diller
  • Theatre is real-time - you get that real-time audience reaction, which is fantastic. And with art pieces, people don't ever have to explain themselves. You can do something and really follow a research. With architecture, you have to be much more public. You have to build consensus. You have to work within the law. There are more complexities.
    - Elizabeth Diller