Best quotes by Peter T. King on World

Checkout quotes by Peter T. King on World

  • In the real world in which we live, it's a dangerous world. And you know the old saying is that we have to be right 100 percent of the time; the terrorists only have to be right once.
    - Peter T. King
  • In the post-9/11 world you cannot give him the benefit of the doubt. As a result of our going into Iraq, not only is Saddam Hussein gone, but Qaddafi has given up his weapons of mass destruction and tremendous progress is being made in Iraq.
    - Peter T. King
  • We went into Iraq because Saddam Hussein refused to account for his weapons of mass destruction, consistently violated UN resolutions and in a post-9/11 world no American president could afford to give Saddam Hussein the benefit of the doubt.
    - Peter T. King
  • I think if we're going to live in this - in this world - in this technological world where information can be disseminated so quickly, we have to be serious and take firm, strong action against those who are putting American lives at risk. Because this will put people's lives at risk.
    - Peter T. King
  • Now, we don't get that many specific threats against sporting events, per se. But we know from listening to the chatter how terrorists want to attack iconic events. So whether it's a major Fourth of July celebration or the Super Bowl or the World Series, we assume that that is what they're targeting.
    - Peter T. King
  • I'm saying this as a Republican: In the White House, the effort that goes in and wherever these decisions are made, as to limit civilian casualties, is more probably than any in the history of the world, especially when you consider the history of warfare.
    - Peter T. King
  • I have been to Guantanamo. It's a model prison. Is it ideal? No. But we live in a very un-ideal world.
    - Peter T. King