Best quotes by Peter Kay on People

Checkout quotes by Peter Kay on People

  • It's funny how comedy is, you look at people like French and Saunders, when they started out they were very alternative. A lot of those alternative comedians have ended up being mainstream, they know that longevity is about being mainstream.
    - Peter Kay
  • I was destined to make people laugh.
    - Peter Kay
  • In showbiz one minute you're up there making thousands of people laugh, next minute you're picking up toffees, you know it's real life.
    - Peter Kay
  • I knew I could make people laugh but I was frightened of doing it. I thought, 'What if I'm crap, what if I'm no good at it?', but I knew I should have a go and shouldn't sit inside watching other people do it on television.
    - Peter Kay
  • A lot of series tend to go on for one series too many, especially with comedies, and I think people say 'ooh, it's gone off, that.'
    - Peter Kay
  • I'm always freaking people out because I'll be out somewhere and I'll hear someone say something and then later on I'll say it again word for word. It's almost like recording it in your head.
    - Peter Kay
  • Sometimes people say, 'Oh I'm surprised you'd be in Staples buying a plastic box, I thought you'd have a servant to do that for you.' I'm like, 'What are you talking about? I still go to Tesco, I still do my big shop.'
    - Peter Kay
  • I am fascinated by real people who are really funny.
    - Peter Kay
  • I like interesting casting, and casting people who you think might be slightly different in parts.
    - Peter Kay
  • People often ask what I think of Michael McIntyre. I think he's funny. He's a nice bloke.
    - Peter Kay