Best quotes by Georg C. Lichtenberg on Man

Checkout quotes by Georg C. Lichtenberg on Man

  • Much can be inferred about a man from his mistress: in her one beholds his weaknesses and his dreams.
    - Georg C. Lichtenberg
  • Man loves company - even if it is only that of a small burning candle.
    - Georg C. Lichtenberg
  • Man is a masterpiece of creation if for no other reason than that, all the weight of evidence for determinism notwithstanding, he believes he has free will.
    - Georg C. Lichtenberg
  • God created man in His own image, says the Bible; philosophers reverse the process: they create God in theirs.
    - Georg C. Lichtenberg
  • With prophecies the commentator is often a more important man than the prophet.
    - Georg C. Lichtenberg
  • If all else fails, the character of a man can be recognized by nothing so surely as by a jest which he takes badly.
    - Georg C. Lichtenberg
  • Every man has his moral backside which he refrains from showing unless he has to and keeps covered as long as possible with the trousers of decorum.
    - Georg C. Lichtenberg
  • Man is to be found in reason, God in the passions.
    - Georg C. Lichtenberg
  • I believe that man is in the last resort so free a being that his right to be what he believes himself to be cannot be contested.
    - Georg C. Lichtenberg
  • That man is the noblest creature may also be inferred from the fact that no other creature has yet contested this claim.
    - Georg C. Lichtenberg