Best quotes by Pep Guardiola on Football

Checkout quotes by Pep Guardiola on Football

  • In football, the worst things are excuses. Excuses mean you cannot grow or move forward.
    - Pep Guardiola
  • The most difficult thing in football is to score a goal.
    - Pep Guardiola
  • We have to cut out some of our mistakes, but the main thing in English football is controlling the second ball. Without that, you cannot survive.
    - Pep Guardiola
  • We try to play football; don't forget it, right. My teams always in my career try to play football. I cannot control the other circumstances.
    - Pep Guardiola
  • We all feel that hunger in football. With Cruyff, it was different. He deepened and changed the hunger so you became conscious of why you are getting better.
    - Pep Guardiola
  • When Klopp speaks about his football being heavy metal, I understand completely. It is so aggressive. For the fans, it is really good.
    - Pep Guardiola
  • It doesn't mean my footballing ideas are special, different, better than the others. I am not saying it's my football, my ideas, and the other coaches are nothing. It's the way I believe. I'm not special.
    - Pep Guardiola
  • When you train a massive club or little third division outfit, when you go out to play football in any situation, it is always about winning.
    - Pep Guardiola