Best quotes by Maz Jobrani on Me

Checkout quotes by Maz Jobrani on Me

  • I remember I was in a San Francisco nightclub, and I started talking to some girl, and it was like, 'Hey, what's going on, what's your name?' You know, 'Where are you from?' I go, 'I'm from Iran.' And literally, she just looked at me and walked away.
    - Maz Jobrani
  • I've had people come up to me after the show and say, 'Why did you not make fun of Pakistan?' People are actually upset you didn't talk about them.
    - Maz Jobrani
  • My mother was very wary at first. And now she's come around 180 degrees. She's, like, one of my biggest fans now. Like, she'll come over to my house, and she'll be like, 'OK, listen. I need two T-shirts from the comedy show, and give me three DVDs. The neighbors are asking for them.'
    - Maz Jobrani
  • Don't get me wrong. I don't mind playing bad guys. I want to play a bad guy. I want to rob a bank. I want to rob a bank in a film. I want to rob a bank in a film but do it with a gun - with a gun, not with a bomb strapped around me.
    - Maz Jobrani
  • I have to say that deporting people and calling them 'bad hombres,' then kicking families out with visa violations, upsets me.
    - Maz Jobrani