Best quotes by Kathleen Battle on Life

Checkout quotes by Kathleen Battle on Life

  • I hear music that comes out of need, out of grief, sorrow, suffering and out of overcoming these things, as well. That journey to freedom still goes on today. It's an incremental change, the culmination of many events in your own life and the lives of your children and grandchildren.
    - Kathleen Battle
  • The question is not... if art is enough to fulfill my life, but if I am true to the path I have set for myself, if I am the best I can be in the things I do. Am I living up to the reasons I became a singer in the first place?
    - Kathleen Battle
  • In spirituals, the talk of heaven and deliverance was code for a better life. 'Crossing the River Jordan' was code, of course, for escaping to freedom.
    - Kathleen Battle
  • I can't imagine life without singing.
    - Kathleen Battle
  • New York is a great place to be fed in the arts. The arts in general are a large part of my life. The city was my postgraduate course.
    - Kathleen Battle