Best quotes by Ethan Hawke on People

Checkout quotes by Ethan Hawke on People

  • Right now the only people I can really fall in love with are people who don't really, truly want me around. Now why do I do that?
    - Ethan Hawke
  • As a young man... you don't know anything about yourself. And add on to that, you're on the cover of magazines. People are interviewing you about what you think. You feel like a real phony.
    - Ethan Hawke
  • I met a lot of famous people when I was about 24. And none of them seemed very appealing. And so I didn't know why I would struggle to be that kind of person.
    - Ethan Hawke
  • It is very difficult for any couple who are married if both people are ambitious. I don't know if it's just too hard to be married to a woman that wants to be a movie star.
    - Ethan Hawke
  • I think having nature be a part of people's lives helps all of us see ourselves as part of something larger.
    - Ethan Hawke
  • I'm horrified to admit that I just love Salinger. I was devastated to find out that other people feel the same way.
    - Ethan Hawke
  • We live in a funny time. If you don't go corporate, you can't compete. You're relegated as irrelevant. People used to admire that.
    - Ethan Hawke