Best quotes by Paul Morrissey on People

Checkout quotes by Paul Morrissey on People

  • The people of Pittsburgh should have a weekend flea market at the Warhol. Andy would have loved that kind of stuff.
    - Paul Morrissey
  • It's good to aggravate people a little. It makes them pay attention.
    - Paul Morrissey
  • Every movie I've ever made says the same thing. They all find comedy in people trying to live their lives without any rules.
    - Paul Morrissey
  • There's something about all the films that I have made in that they don't seem old or dated, and some people mention that.
    - Paul Morrissey
  • I'm not anti-Hollywood; not at all. In fact, I'm rather fascinated by everything that goes on here. When I get hold of a copy of 'Variety,' I read it cover to cover; I love to know what people are doing.
    - Paul Morrissey
  • We are always getting photos and publicity from people who want to act in Andy's movies. We always throw them away. They don't seem to realize that the last thing we'd put into a movie is an actor. Because all the other movies use actors.
    - Paul Morrissey
  • Very few people took sordid things and made comedies out of them.
    - Paul Morrissey
  • Andy wasn't capable of any complicated thoughts or ideas. Ideas need a verb and a noun, a subject. Andy spoke in a kind of stumbling staccato. You had to finish sentences for him. So Andy operated through people who could do things for him. He wished things into happening, things he himself couldn't do.
    - Paul Morrissey