Best quotes by Neon Hitch on Me

Checkout quotes by Neon Hitch on Me

  • The trapeze was my first love. To me, it's normal. It's all I've ever known. But when I see other people's upbringings, I think, 'Hmm... mine was rather unconventional. Quite different!'
    - Neon Hitch
  • You should hear what my parents wanted to call me. It was between Brown Rice, Neon Hitch and Z. Ziggurat Zanzibar Zandorf. I'm not joking. Imagine fitting that on my passport!
    - Neon Hitch
  • I grew up in a bus, traveled with various circuses and freak shows. I was a trapeze artist, and that was my dream. We just traveled the whole world, me and my mom and my little brothers and sisters. It was an adventure.
    - Neon Hitch
  • There is a lot you don't know about me - a lot. I have definitely lived, that's for sure. I will just leave it at that.
    - Neon Hitch
  • I'm a free spirit and that definitely comes from my upbringing, so it's definitely shaped me as an artist.
    - Neon Hitch