Best quotes by Paul Morrissey on Movies

Checkout quotes by Paul Morrissey on Movies

  • I've always stayed independent, but I've always felt an obligation to make movies an untutored audience could like.
    - Paul Morrissey
  • I think it's absurd to believe that movies should look like paintings and say something like serious books say something.
    - Paul Morrissey
  • If I thought about planning, I'd plan movies. If I thought about planning my life, I'd plan my life more rationally, not like New Yorkers who live their lives so irrationally, without reason. Maybe that's the connection between my movies and New York: the movies have the same kind of lack of overall design.
    - Paul Morrissey
  • So many things go on in life that never find their way into the movies because so much of it is unappealing. But that's what I want to show.
    - Paul Morrissey
  • We are always getting photos and publicity from people who want to act in Andy's movies. We always throw them away. They don't seem to realize that the last thing we'd put into a movie is an actor. Because all the other movies use actors.
    - Paul Morrissey