Best quotes by Bart Millard on Dad

Checkout quotes by Bart Millard on Dad

  • When I was a kid, my dad would let me stay up and watch 'Cheers' each week. Granted it's not the most 'kid friendly' show, but I could've cared less. I was getting to stay up past my bedtime!
    - Bart Millard
  • More than anything, whether it's my dad's fault or whatever, I wouldn't allow myself to be loved. I lived most of my life thinking that I was unlovable, that I was broken goods, or whatever.
    - Bart Millard
  • My dad would do horrible things to me, but I was so desperate for his affection and his approval that I would keep coming back.
    - Bart Millard
  • My dad was a monster and I realized if the gospel could change that dude, the gospel can change anybody.
    - Bart Millard
  • I finally got the dad I always wanted and then he left. At 18, 19 years old, I was really upset and had to work through that.
    - Bart Millard
  • Whether you have an abusive father or the most amazing dad ever, every son is trying to find their way out from under the shadow of their dad.
    - Bart Millard
  • Then, when my dad was diagnosed with cancer, I started to notice this crazy transformation, where he fell desperately in love with Jesus.
    - Bart Millard
  • The only time I actually got mad at God is when my dad completely changed and was my closest friend, and then he was taken from me too soon.
    - Bart Millard