Best quotes by Paul Greengrass on People

Checkout quotes by Paul Greengrass on People

  • The people who went on that airplane were unexceptional.
    - Paul Greengrass
  • Why are people saying it's too soon? Like the people on that flight, we need to agree about what to do about terrorism. And I think we need to have that conversation now.
    - Paul Greengrass
  • Studio people are bright. Empowering. They don't want to have to interfere creatively. That's their horror story, too.
    - Paul Greengrass
  • Very few people do bad things because they're bad. They generally do bad things because they think they're the right thing to do, but they're misplaced.
    - Paul Greengrass
  • I'm British; I live here, and I've always made my films here. And we're on a journey in British filmmaking right now. We're attracting big films again. 'Star Wars' filming here will employ thousands of people. We're world-class in so many of the craft elements, and the vibrancy of our filmmaking is strong.
    - Paul Greengrass