Best quotes by Paul Dano on Work

Checkout quotes by Paul Dano on Work

  • One thing you notice is, there's a lot of people with raw talent, and then there's people who take that talent and work hard.
    - Paul Dano
  • There's a lot of people that I would love to work with. There's a lot of different kinds of parts I wanna play. As your career progresses, you hope that you get some more opportunity or some more choice.
    - Paul Dano
  • I think that one of the strangest things about being an actor is, it's almost freelance work.
    - Paul Dano
  • I really don't want to go to work every day convincing myself of what I'm saying. I want the material to make me a better actor; then I try to return the favor to the material.
    - Paul Dano
  • I don't want my learning curve to be stunted by just all of a sudden doing work all the time and not being careful about the work that I'm doing.
    - Paul Dano