Best quotes by Patricia Espinosa on World

Checkout quotes by Patricia Espinosa on World

  • Among the laundry list of threats to our world, climate change more often than not makes these challenges worse.
    - Patricia Espinosa
  • Achieving the aims and ambitions of the Paris Agreement are not a given. The world needs to understand the urgency and complexity of what the international community has embarked upon.
    - Patricia Espinosa
  • Climate neutrality means a situation where the world can naturally absorb the emissions that will continue to be produced in our societies.
    - Patricia Espinosa
  • To be able to transform societies and economies to low-carbon ones was an amazing challenge. To influence and to facilitate such an important transformation in the world would be like witnessing something of industrial revolution proportions.
    - Patricia Espinosa
  • We have to be reminded that we still live in a world that relies a lot on fossil fuels, and that transition to new and renewable sources is not always and in all cases possible from one day to the next.
    - Patricia Espinosa
  • The world is becoming smaller every day.
    - Patricia Espinosa