Best quotes by Paolo Nutini on Life

Checkout quotes by Paolo Nutini on Life

  • My inspiration for songs is just everyday life. I just write down words about things that have happened to me, people I've met.
    - Paolo Nutini
  • The songs are just an attempt to document what's been happening in my life. If people can relate to what's going on with me, then that's great.
    - Paolo Nutini
  • When life hands you melons, eat them.
    - Paolo Nutini
  • When I think of Paisley, I think of everything that has shaped my life.
    - Paolo Nutini
  • When I think of Paisley, I think of everything that has shaped my life.
    - Paolo Nutini
  • Paisley offered me and my family a life, way back, and it has continued to do so.
    - Paolo Nutini
  • When you're waking up every day, and it's all about you, I don't consider that to be a way to live your life if you can help it. I think people who know me know that I find time to enjoy myself and not take life - or myself - too seriously at all.
    - Paolo Nutini