Best quotes by Devin Townsend on Me

Checkout quotes by Devin Townsend on Me

  • Enya was a huge deal for me. That kind of woman vocals and how wide those productions were.
    - Devin Townsend
  • For me, the one thing I've got going for me in terms of my attributes as a musician is vision.
    - Devin Townsend
  • The reason why everything I do is so different is not because I'm trying to be provocative; it's simply a reflection of whatever was happening to me at the time I wrote that particular record.
    - Devin Townsend
  • One thing that's really important for me to be creatively motivated is to find an angle. Some people refer to that as a concept, which it is, in a sense, but not overtly. It's just something I need to focus and hone in on, and the trajectory of what might be seen as a 'concept' gives me creative momentum.
    - Devin Townsend
  • Strapping Young Lad is a vehicle for me to be wild and extroverted and ridiculous. It gives me the chance to say, 'Look at me. I'm a heavy metal guy. I'm Rob Halford or Bruce Dickinson or whoever.'
    - Devin Townsend
  • I don't deal with conflict well, so sometimes things will happen that will make me feel sort of powerless. But instead of being able to actually deal with the problem, I just suck it up - that's the way I was raised. Music, then, becomes my one avenue for letting things go, and when I get the chance, I let it rip. It's like therapy in that way.
    - Devin Townsend
  • Basically, when I did 'Infinity' in 1997, I had thoughts in my head that left me with a lot of questions. I've gone to certain personal limits with 'Infinity' that, at the end of it, I think, scared me. And I've made a lot of really kinda bad mistakes as a result of that.
    - Devin Townsend
  • I think when music, specifically heavy music, the motivation for it is other than truly feeling it, that's when it becomes really difficult for me.
    - Devin Townsend
  • The identity of each band is what's important for me production-wise.
    - Devin Townsend
  • For me, the opportunity to express myself in this way is something I don't take for granted.
    - Devin Townsend
  • I love people; don't get me wrong. Individually, I love that interaction between people, and I'm not an ogre or something; but huge crowds of people, huge groups of people who seemingly have endless access to you - as I get older, I'm not really into that.
    - Devin Townsend
  • I'm very creative - making music, making puppets, that's my thing - but mainstream success and the demands that brings? No, not really for me.
    - Devin Townsend
  • Music is so important to me that that's got to be the only way I can do it. In the purest possible way.
    - Devin Townsend
  • I've always been into easy music. When I was 15, the record for me was 'Hysteria' by Def Leppard.
    - Devin Townsend
  • Strapping Young Lad is a representation of me, just as much as 'Ki,' 'Ghost,' 'Ziltoid' or 'Infinity.' There's no difference; it was just a different period of time.
    - Devin Townsend
  • The best way of me not doing things is to demand it from me.
    - Devin Townsend