Best quotes by Pamela Druckerman on Time

Checkout quotes by Pamela Druckerman on Time

  • It's refreshing to have some time off from wondering whether I look fat.
    - Pamela Druckerman
  • Every time I pass a cafe, I imagine it being stormed by men with Kalashnikovs.
    - Pamela Druckerman
  • Unlike the time sink of binge-watching a TV series, podcasts actually made me more efficient. Practically every dull activity - folding laundry, applying makeup - became tolerable when I did it while listening to a country singer describing his hardscrabble childhood, or a novelist defending her open marriage.
    - Pamela Druckerman
  • What you can say, what French parents say to their kids is, 'You don't have to eat everything, honey, you just have to taste it.' And it's that tasting little by little by little that gets kids more familiar with the food and more comfortable with it and more likely to eat it the next time.
    - Pamela Druckerman
  • When we're in the U.S., my kids instantly start snacking all the time. I don't know how it happens. There is just more food available all the time. There aren't all these little different varieties of snack foods in France.
    - Pamela Druckerman
  • Soon after Donald Trump was inaugurated, I got a letter from France's interior ministry informing me that I was now French. By the time it arrived, I'd been French for nearly two weeks without even knowing it.
    - Pamela Druckerman