Best quotes by Jamal Murray on Game

Checkout quotes by Jamal Murray on Game

  • My dad is the person who taught me how important the mental side of the game is. He studied kung fu growing up and he taught me how to meditate when I was a kid.
    - Jamal Murray
  • When you go to like the Nike Hoops Summit, or the All-Canadian Game, all those really matter in your development and how people perceive you as far as how good of a player you are.
    - Jamal Murray
  • You can't go into a game lax and acting like somebody isn't trying to beat you.
    - Jamal Murray
  • Coming from Canada, I've always had people doubt me or doubt my ability. We're just going to keep letting our game talk.
    - Jamal Murray
  • My whole life I played the point, so naturally I think as a point. Two guard, I get to score more... During the game, I like to mix it up.
    - Jamal Murray