Best quotes by Nina Turner on People

Checkout quotes by Nina Turner on People

  • Voter fraud is almost non-existent. People don't just show up on election day, trying to impersonate other people.
    - Nina Turner
  • People are sitting at their kitchen table talking about how they're going to pay their bills, and we can speak to the hearts of people on that and show them that we respect them. Ultimately, that's how we have to talk to them. We can't talk down to them.
    - Nina Turner
  • We tell people to go to college, but when they cross the stage, they cross the stage with a degree in one hand and debt in the other that stifles their ability to be able to live that good life.
    - Nina Turner
  • People are human. People have failings. It's unfortunate people want to keep piling on people's failings.
    - Nina Turner
  • People want to see you be genuine.
    - Nina Turner
  • People don't wake up to go to vote and then have their ballot not counted.
    - Nina Turner
  • Our Revolution has been the keeper of the flame doing the vital work of building a grassroots movement that leverages the people's agenda.
    - Nina Turner