Best quotes by Nina Garcia on Fashion

Checkout quotes by Nina Garcia on Fashion

  • My passion for fashion originated in my mother's closet. She was a woman who loved fashion. She enjoyed dressing up a lot, and she had a closet that was like her sacred room that belonged only to her. She wouldn't let us go in and play there very often.
    - Nina Garcia
  • The fashion editor as it used to be has changed. Now you have to wear many hats, and whoever tells you differently is wrong. Now you're on TV, whether you want it or not.
    - Nina Garcia
  • I grew up with a fashion-obsessed mother and an older sister, so there was a lot of fashion in my house. The first thing I remember owning was a Pierre Cardin jumpsuit when I was 9 or 10; of course I didn't actually buy it, but I fell in love with it.
    - Nina Garcia
  • My mother was a very big inspiration. She loved fashion. I loved art in school, and I was very good at drawing. I could sit at the table forever and just dream up collections and draw.
    - Nina Garcia
  • My aspiration was always to be a fashion editor.
    - Nina Garcia
  • I think New York is the center of fashion, even though L.A. has a lot of heritage and the glamour of Hollywood.
    - Nina Garcia
  • Fashion is an expression of a time, of a place, of history. It's putting things into context.
    - Nina Garcia
  • Fashion is just an interpretation of the culture around us.
    - Nina Garcia