Best quotes by Niko Kovac on Football

Checkout quotes by Niko Kovac on Football

  • If research can help us discover cures for diseases, it surely can improve a football team. Whether it's data analysis or biomechanics, it can give you an edge - and I'd be a fool if I didn't want that edge.
    - Niko Kovac
  • Everyone wants to score goals - that's the point of football - but you have to look at the whole situation in detail.
    - Niko Kovac
  • In football you have to look forward.
    - Niko Kovac
  • I've always been someone who said that football is a contact sport.
    - Niko Kovac
  • Attacking is the tough part in football; defending is relatively easy.
    - Niko Kovac
  • Football provides the most beautiful stories.
    - Niko Kovac