Best quotes by Elvis Costello on People

Checkout quotes by Elvis Costello on People

  • I'd been to Memphis before, but we stayed out of Memphis early on in the late 70s for obvious reasons. People were very sensitive about Elvis Presley, and my stage name obviously would be provocative to some people in that area at that time.
    - Elvis Costello
  • Obviously the people that I admired, like the Beatles, were really into rock'n'roll, but it was already a little past rock'n'roll when I started listening and making my own choices about music.
    - Elvis Costello
  • People tend to repeat the same quotes at me that I said when I was 23. And of course, you say things then, and sometimes they're ill-advised.
    - Elvis Costello
  • The Internet is overrated. It's much smaller an innovation than people think it is. I don't think it's changed the way anybody makes music.
    - Elvis Costello
  • People become so deeply attached to the sound of one period that they blow a fuse when you move on. I've heard people complain bitterly about recordings they haven't even heard.
    - Elvis Costello
  • I've had an unusual life. A life far removed from most people's experience.
    - Elvis Costello