Best quotes by Neal Brennan on Knowledge

Checkout quotes by Neal Brennan on Knowledge

  • My entryway into hip-hop was - my biggest introduction was obviously like, you know, the Def Jam, Run D.M.C., Beastie Boys, like, that conglomerate.
    - Neal Brennan
  • I know from doing stand-up, I don't want to do a joke that I don't trust.
    - Neal Brennan
  • You know, I liken it to - when you write a joke for somebody else, it's like you - you know, like the Wile E. Coyote dynamite plunger, where he pushes the plunger down and then you see the fuse go then there's an explosion in the distance? That's like writing a joke for somebody. When you tell the joke, you're in the explosion.
    - Neal Brennan
  • You know, like, real paying attention and real observation and deep thought and deep consideration can be a bit, you know, miserable-making.
    - Neal Brennan
  • I think anyone can write about anything that they have knowledge of and exposure to.
    - Neal Brennan