Best quotes by Nazanin Boniadi on World

Checkout quotes by Nazanin Boniadi on World

  • Violence against women and girls touches every corner of the globe and is one of the world's most pervasive human rights violations.
    - Nazanin Boniadi
  • Jason Rezaian, held for 544 days in Iran, was not a spy but rather a 'Washington Post' journalist whose work aimed to increase cultural understanding between Iran and the world.
    - Nazanin Boniadi
  • For me personally, I'm an activist, so I see a lot of turmoil and heartache in the world and tragedy.
    - Nazanin Boniadi
  • I entered the acting world at a time when there was a higher demand for Middle Eastern actors in the post-9/11 world, and yeah, the roles weren't great.
    - Nazanin Boniadi
  • When you're devoted to a greater freedom in the world, you're willing to compromise something you love.
    - Nazanin Boniadi