Best quotes by Nawaz Sharif on Country

Checkout quotes by Nawaz Sharif on Country

  • I am being penalised for serving the masses, putting the country on the right track, constructing motorways and eradicating the power outages and terrorism.
    - Nawaz Sharif
  • We are not ready to tolerate any harm coming to our country, and we will fight all powers that cause harm to our country, that work against our country's interests.
    - Nawaz Sharif
  • I will not let my family's problems become my country's problems.
    - Nawaz Sharif
  • The people will demand answers from all the dictators and the people who have not allowed this country to function.
    - Nawaz Sharif
  • Gilani should be loyal to the country, the Constitution and law and not to Zardari alone.
    - Nawaz Sharif
  • Investment comes to a halt in a country where sit-ins and protest rallies lead to political chaos.
    - Nawaz Sharif
  • Drone attacks are against the national sovereignty and a challenge for the country's autonomy and independence. Therefore, we won't tolerate these attacks in our territorial jurisdictions.
    - Nawaz Sharif
  • We have parliamentary democracy. It is the prime minister who runs the show, who is the chief executive of the country. The president must have powers defined under the 1973 constitution, nothing more.
    - Nawaz Sharif
  • If I take you back to the Nineties, our party came up with very bold reforms in the country, economic reforms. They were really revolutionary reforms.
    - Nawaz Sharif