Best quotes by Norman MacCaig on Me

Checkout quotes by Norman MacCaig on Me

  • All those authors there, most of whom of course I've never met. That's the poetry side, that's the prose side, that's the fishing and miscellaneous behind me. You get an affection for books that you've enjoyed.
    - Norman MacCaig
  • And it's impossible for me to read Henry James.
    - Norman MacCaig
  • All I write about is what's happened to me and to people I know, and the better I know them, the more likely they are to be written about.
    - Norman MacCaig
  • And in a way, that's been a help to me, because I take great passions for a particular poet - sometimes it lasts for many years, sometimes only for a while. This happens to everybody.
    - Norman MacCaig
  • I find it's impossible for me to read Proust.
    - Norman MacCaig
  • If I wrote a play with four characters every single one of them would talk like me regardless of age or sex.
    - Norman MacCaig
  • In fact a lot of them I think are absolute baloney. Those Charles Olsens and people like that. At first I was interested in seeing what they were up to, what they were doing, why they were doing it. They never moved me in the way that one is moved by true poetry.
    - Norman MacCaig
  • It's like breathing in and out to me. It's like having a conversation with someone who isn't there. Because it has to be addressed to somebody - not a particular person, or very rarely.
    - Norman MacCaig
  • When I go fishing I like to know that there's nobody within five miles of me.
    - Norman MacCaig