Best quotes by Miriam Shor on Women

Checkout quotes by Miriam Shor on Women

  • Whatever your opinion on it, 'Sex And The City' was undeniably a show that told stories where the main focus was on women and not on men.
    - Miriam Shor
  • I feel like a lot of women have been questioning their role in their workplaces and society, opportunities that they may have missed or haven't spoken up for.
    - Miriam Shor
  • I remember auditioning for something where the woman was supposed to be 42, and I was 33 or something, and they were like, 'No women over 35 can audition.' That was in the breakdown. I don't think they would do that anymore - I would like to hope that they wouldn't put that in writing - but it's mind-boggling.
    - Miriam Shor
  • I think we have a long way to go in the entertainment industry, particularly in movies, but I feel like in television, there's somebody is finally saying, 'Hey, women have stories to tell, and oddly enough, women want to hear them.'
    - Miriam Shor
  • I really am enjoying the fact that I feel like women are having more and more say in Hollywood, in television particular.
    - Miriam Shor
  • Lily Tomlin, Judi Dench, Carol Burnett, Linda Emond, Meryl Streep, Janet Mctyre. I saw all these women on stage, and I experienced a feeling that is the artistic equivalent of huffing paint - the world kind of went away, and I felt exhilarated. Also, I drooled a little.
    - Miriam Shor
  • It really pisses me off when people look at women who are older and are not in a relationship as somehow sad or missing something, because they certainly don't look at men that way.
    - Miriam Shor
  • I think that, as women, we're often asked to apologize for our own power, or we're asked to undercut ourselves, and it's deemed unattractive to have faith in our abilities.
    - Miriam Shor
  • In Hollywood, way too often, the goal for actresses is to get cast in roles as the wife or the mother or a relationship that somehow orbits around the man, whereas 'Sex And The City' had these characters where the women had their own independent stories.
    - Miriam Shor