Best quotes by Milos Forman on Knowledge

Checkout quotes by Milos Forman on Knowledge

  • First of all, whoever didn't want to be a member of this association or the other association, was branded, you know, like a dangerous individualist, you know, infected by the Western decadence, you know. So everybody joined.
    - Milos Forman
  • I think everybody dreamt somehow to make a film in Hollywood, you know.
    - Milos Forman
  • Now, after the communist take-over in 1948, the amount of feature films produced dwindled to three a year, while the school was, you know, every year another three, four, five students.
    - Milos Forman
  • Well, listen, you know, the Czech saying is, you know, when you are drowning you are grabbing even a little twig. That's what all Czechs were doing, grabbing for... with the hope for this little twig.
    - Milos Forman
  • You know what happened, you know, in 1938: France, England, you know, just sold out Czechoslovakia to Hitler.
    - Milos Forman
  • I think if I tried very hard, I could do a novel or a play, a poem. I could possibly paint a picture, but I know I can't write music. And still, it is the most accessible of all arts, as you know when you hear a tune.
    - Milos Forman