Best quotes by Ravyn Lenae on Music

Checkout quotes by Ravyn Lenae on Music

  • My music puts people in a dreamy mood. It's edgy. It's nuanced. I get annoyed when people say it's R&B because it's not that simple. I call it futuristic soul.
    - Ravyn Lenae
  • I started playing piano and guitar when I was in elementary school, and then I was finally like, 'I want to sing.' So I started taking voice lessons and decided I wanted to go to an art school and take music seriously.
    - Ravyn Lenae
  • The idea for 'Midnight Moonlight' was mostly inspired by the moon herself. Advancing from my previous EP 'Moon Shoes,' I felt it necessary to dig a little deeper into who I am and the relationship between my music and the moon.
    - Ravyn Lenae
  • I think the biggest reward is not physical. I rather obtain things spiritually. I mean, it's so cool to be acknowledged by the public, but that's not my goal. That's not why I make music. I would do it anyway, if there was no reward.
    - Ravyn Lenae
  • I like to think my music is of another world.
    - Ravyn Lenae
  • I never have a genre in mind when I'm making music because I just like to be free. I feel that placing a genre on your music is limiting yourself.
    - Ravyn Lenae
  • I'm super particular with my music.
    - Ravyn Lenae
  • I try to stay away from any genre. I like to just make music, and it just is what it is.
    - Ravyn Lenae
  • I grew up having an ear for what was hot and was not - what sounds good in music and what doesn't.
    - Ravyn Lenae
  • I would say that the pivotal moment in singing for me was my sophomore year in high school, 'cause I always loved music but, even going into high school, I didn't know I wanted to make this my career.
    - Ravyn Lenae
  • I will say that maybe me being young, it enabled me to have a more youthful approach to making music, and a fresher approach.
    - Ravyn Lenae
  • I've always been a color person, whether that's through my clothes, hair, or music.
    - Ravyn Lenae
  • Chicago's music scene is very inspiring. I like to think of it as a small community of friends who enjoy creating and inspiring each other.
    - Ravyn Lenae
  • Being from Chicago, you kind of are shielded in a way from the other stuff that goes on in music and the industry.
    - Ravyn Lenae