Best quotes by Mike Braun on Business

Checkout quotes by Mike Braun on Business

  • In the business world, those who are slow to act and adapt find themselves out of business in a hurry. In Washington, it can take 10 years to get even a good idea across the finish line.
    - Mike Braun
  • As someone who's built business, I take tariffs and their effects very seriously and would only employ such negotiation tools when absolutely necessary.
    - Mike Braun
  • Building my family and my business in Jasper has taught me so much in my life, and one of those lessons is to always put people first.
    - Mike Braun
  • Indiana will always be open for business, and we look forward to welcoming more great new jobs into our state.
    - Mike Braun
  • Armed with pricing information, health care consumers can punish providers that price gouge, waste resources, or engage in surprise billing by taking their business elsewhere.
    - Mike Braun
  • I think if we had eight or 12 of us in the Senate who came from my business background, you'd see a lot of different things in government.
    - Mike Braun
  • For an entrepreneur who has spent his entire career creating jobs, I can assure you that leaving my business to help President Trump confirm conservative judges is well worth my decision to run for office and a great use of the Senate's time, given how dysfunctional Washington can be.
    - Mike Braun