Best quotes by Megyn Kelly on Me

Checkout quotes by Megyn Kelly on Me

  • I'm steeped in the news because I enjoy the news - I like reading papers, I like reading the blogs, I love talking to newsmakers and pundits, for that matter, about their opinions. I'm an information gatherer by nature, so that's what attracted me about this industry.
    - Megyn Kelly
  • Im a soulless lawyer. Give me any opinion and I can argue it.
    - Megyn Kelly
  • There are lots of people who are red-carpet types, but that's not me.
    - Megyn Kelly
  • I distinctly remember being very young, sixth grade maybe, and being at a party and hearing the mothers discuss the children. And the mothers said, 'Well, it's very clear who's the leader in the group.' And they were talking about me!
    - Megyn Kelly
  • I don't even watch Fox News usually in the prime time hours because I'm home with my kids and that's more important to me.
    - Megyn Kelly
  • If I were Sarah Palin, would I want to sit in an interview with someone who was secretly out to get me? Probably not.
    - Megyn Kelly
  • I was badly bullied when I was in the seventh grade - relentlessly, mercilessly - by a group of 12-year-old girls. And it left me with a determination that no matter what, I had to throw my shoulders back, stick out my chin, and project a sense that no one and nothing could hurt me. That turned out to be a life-changing mistake.
    - Megyn Kelly
  • When I was in 10th grade, I took one of those tests that's supposed to tell you what you should be when you grow up. The test told me that I should be a journalist.
    - Megyn Kelly
  • Obviously, I'm in a visual business, and people will talk to me about my appearance.
    - Megyn Kelly