Best quotes by Michael Strahan on Love

Checkout quotes by Michael Strahan on Love

  • 'The Notebook' gets me every time. It's a great love story. Boy from the wrong side of the tracks. They get on each other's nerves, but they can't live without each other. It almost makes me shed a tear.
    - Michael Strahan
  • German women love American men. That's why a lot of American servicemen go to Germany - and never come back.
    - Michael Strahan
  • At first, I didn't know what to expect but I do say that I love our defensive coordinator, Tim Lewis.
    - Michael Strahan
  • People are always warning me that I'm going to burn out. But the truth is, the only thing that tires me out is hearing people tell me that. Opposite shows, opposite coasts, opposite demographics, opposite everything - I love it, man!
    - Michael Strahan
  • I love being the person my kids depend on to learn. Everything they learn, for the most part, comes from you - how they treat people, how they look at the world, how they process things. I love being that example for them, just like my parents were for me.
    - Michael Strahan
  • I have the biggest sweet tooth! You name it, I will eat it. My all-time favorite is my mother's butter cake. Every time I go home, my mom will already have the cake made because I love it so much. This makes my siblings mad because they think she favors me. I don't care because she probably does!
    - Michael Strahan