Best quotes by Michael Shellenberger on Power

Checkout quotes by Michael Shellenberger on Power

  • I actually argue that renewables are worse than fossil fuels. It's a physical manifestation of lower power densities. More land, more materials, more mining, more metals, more waste.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • The only countries that have successfully moved from fossil fuels to low-carbon power have done so with the help of nuclear energy.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • The renewable industry claims technical innovations will improve solar and wind - but in reality nothing can change the lower power density of sunlight and wind.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • Hypocrisy is the ultimate power move. It is a way of demonstrating that one plays by a different set of rules from the ones adhered to by common people.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • There has always been enough fossil fuels to power human civilization for hundreds and perhaps thousands of years, and nuclear energy is effectively infinite.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • Nuclear is the largest source of clean, carbon-free power in rich nations, and the science shows it is the safest way to make reliable electricity.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • The main problem with biofuels - the land required - stems from their low power density.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • You cannot power the world on wind and solar.
    - Michael Shellenberger
  • If you look at all the energy that is used by an iPhone, not just to make it and to power it, but also to power all the servers, all of the stuff that you don't see that the iPhone is connected to, it uses as much energy as a refrigerator.
    - Michael Shellenberger