Best quotes by Anna Kaiser on Work

Checkout quotes by Anna Kaiser on Work

  • Everyone has a different opinion when it comes to caffeine during pregnancy. I work full time, and with the extreme exhaustion pregnancy brings, I need a little boost a couple of times a day. On days when I can't stomach coffee, green tea has also proven to be very helpful and soothing.
    - Anna Kaiser
  • Sleep more. I don't think anyone understands how important it is. If you have a choice where you've only been sleeping five or six hours and can sleep an extra hour or work out, sleep an extra hour.
    - Anna Kaiser
  • It's important to work slowly and intelligently in your strength work before revving up the intensity. Start with deep diaphragmatic breathing to reengage and reconnect with your abdominals.
    - Anna Kaiser
  • A heart rate monitor is very important because every day is different. Sometimes you may have a ton of energy, and other days you may not, but you can hold yourself accountable for knowing how hard you're working by having a very specific goal to work toward.
    - Anna Kaiser
  • If you want to see your abs, you have to lose fat. I want to be sure there are no misconceptions that specific abs exercises will give you abs! I work with the core. Think about your abs and back working together to support your spine - that will give you an amazing physique!
    - Anna Kaiser
  • If you only focus on your abdominal wall, your back isn't going to be as strong, and so there's going to be an imbalance in your body. You want them to be strong together and work together, and not have one overcompensate.
    - Anna Kaiser
  • You don't always want to go do the same thing day after day because your body, as well as your mind, is not going to be as stimulated. You're not going to want to work as hard or be as motivated.
    - Anna Kaiser