Best quotes by Michael Kiwanuka on Music

Checkout quotes by Michael Kiwanuka on Music

  • I love singing. It makes me feel good. It's like a release, especially when I'm singing soul music.
    - Michael Kiwanuka
  • You always have in the back of your mind that would be cool if you get recognized. But you can't concentrate on any of those things. You've got to just keep playing and doing your music and the rest is just a bonus.
    - Michael Kiwanuka
  • It's annoying when you've got a guitar and you're working on music and then you have to go and do the shopping or someone calls your mobile and you get distracted or you have to go out and do something.
    - Michael Kiwanuka
  • It's quite hard not to cringe at your own music; you're always a bit annoyed at some parts of it.
    - Michael Kiwanuka
  • The main thing in making your own music is that it's an expression of someone's personality and being. That's what people want to hear, and you can't really teach that - that's just something that comes out. Teaching just hones that.
    - Michael Kiwanuka
  • I love making music so it's important for me to keep doing that even if the schedule is busy.
    - Michael Kiwanuka
  • I'm not really into the rock n' roll lifestyle; I'm a music geek!
    - Michael Kiwanuka
  • I love grooves and dance music, but I like the feeling behind songs too.
    - Michael Kiwanuka
  • If you earned money listening to music, I'd be a millionaire.
    - Michael Kiwanuka
  • I think I skipped a lot of music, like when I was 17 or 18. I didn't know about a lot of new bands because I was so immersed in older music.
    - Michael Kiwanuka