Best quotes by Mojo Rawley on Myself

Checkout quotes by Mojo Rawley on Myself

  • I'm an A-Level player because I have the strength to look upon myself in the mirror and master my reality.
    - Mojo Rawley
  • The vast majority of my career anywhere I was essentially the only guy who believed in myself.
    - Mojo Rawley
  • When I am a good guy on TV, my character tends to be almost identical to how I am as a real person. However, as a bad guy, I get to be the opposite. I get to be a jerk. I get to talk trash, I get to say all the things that I'm thinking but have to restrain myself from saying out of respect or decency.
    - Mojo Rawley
  • I was in the business school. I was on the executive board of the business school and I kinda gave all that up and forewent a full scholarship to walk on at the University of Maryland. I just wanted to challenge myself, play at the top level and see if I could hang with the big boys, kinda get that national spotlight and play in prime time games.
    - Mojo Rawley
  • You know, I analyze my faults and my weaknesses very carefully. I'm very hypercritical of myself.
    - Mojo Rawley