Best quotes by Melissa Leo on Me

Checkout quotes by Melissa Leo on Me

  • People often expect me to be something other than what I am.
    - Melissa Leo
  • I'm very old-school. I like a director to direct me. I like to be the actor.
    - Melissa Leo
  • I think the funny thing about acting for me - and I hold it in a very holy, spiritual way - not to be overly fundamentalist about it, but it's that important to me - is that it is an ancient healing art.
    - Melissa Leo
  • To get the hippie out of certain characters is probably the most difficult thing for me. I was not a hippie by choice but by birth.
    - Melissa Leo
  • My body has done for me all these years things I couldn't ever even dreamt to do for characters. It's a tool, molecularly speaking, and I need to take care of it.
    - Melissa Leo
  • I do get a fair amount of scripts; I got 'Frozen River' kinda just that way. I have a hard time turning my back on anybody who says they have something for me.
    - Melissa Leo
  • You ask me a question. I have a blank mind. You ask me a question, and the question is informed, and you're interested, and now my mind starts popping. That's what conversation is. That's what communicating is.
    - Melissa Leo
  • I do wish everyone would call me Leo. It's not that I don't like Melissa. But the more I hear it called out, the worse it sounds.
    - Melissa Leo
  • I know what it meant to me to play the Reverend Mother, a role I've, in some ways, prepared a lifetime to do. It's why I took the part.
    - Melissa Leo
  • Hire me for the next picture. I don't have to just play down-and-out trailer trash and mean, old, wicked, old nuns. I could play a princess or a queen. That's all I wanted to do. Because campaigning does go on. It's a part of selling the film.
    - Melissa Leo
  • I always wanted to play a nun, and to play the Reverend Mother was a thrill of a lifetime for me. But, generations back, my family were not churchgoers, which is an unusual thing in the United States.
    - Melissa Leo