Best quotes by Limmy on Myself

Checkout quotes by Limmy on Myself

  • No, I don't think I'll ever get any stalkers, as I'm the stalker type myself.
    - Limmy
  • I think I called myself an entertainer on my son's birth certificate. That sounds a bit Sammy Davis Jr. or Brian Conley, the sort of guy you just drop into a room and let them 'entertain.'
    - Limmy
  • I think on my passport form I described myself as 'entertainer,' filling it in, in a Post Office or something. I felt like I should be doing jazz hands when I wrote that, but I don't do anything else really.
    - Limmy
  • If I call myself an actor, it sounds like I'm trying to pass myself off as someone who went to drama school.
    - Limmy
  • I don't feel comfortable calling myself a writer or a director or an actor.
    - Limmy