Best quotes by Camila Mendes on Me

Checkout quotes by Camila Mendes on Me

  • It took living alone for me to really get to know myself.
    - Camila Mendes
  • For me, being an 'American Latina' means identifying with and being influenced by both my American upbringing and my Latin heritage, and I have so much appreciation for how those two cultures have created who I am.
    - Camila Mendes
  • I use my hair as a tool for portraying characters. When I'm auditioning for a role, when I'm putting myself on tape for something, I always consider what the hairstyle is going to be because it changes the way people perceive me.
    - Camila Mendes
  • Because I get my hair styled in so many different ways, when I get the chance to be natural and just me as a person and not an actress, I like to have a stable, consistent look that reminds me that I'm me.
    - Camila Mendes
  • I feel like I know I have enough friends who support me through those times. Like, I'll call a friend and be like, 'I really don't feel good about what I ate today,' and she'll be like, 'Dude, it's fine.'
    - Camila Mendes
  • I often hear things like, 'You don't look Latina enough,' and that mentality is so backwards. The fact is, I am Latina, so how are you going to tell me that I don't look Latina?
    - Camila Mendes
  • When I go to Brazil, I feel like an American, and in the U.S., I always notice the traits that make me Brazilian.
    - Camila Mendes
  • I like communicating and being open and committing. That, for me, has always been something that I like to do.
    - Camila Mendes