Best quotes by Maurice Sendak on Life

Checkout quotes by Maurice Sendak on Life

  • There must be more to life than having everything.
    - Maurice Sendak
  • Most children - I know I did when I was a kid - fantasize another set of parents. Or fantasize no parents. They don't tell their real parents about that - you don't want to tell Mom and Dad. Kids lead a very private life. And I was a typical child, I think. I was a liar.
    - Maurice Sendak
  • You know who my gods are, who I believe in fervently? Herman Melville, Emily Dickinson - she's probably the top - Mozart, Shakespeare, Keats. These are wonderful gods who have gotten me through the narrow straits of life.
    - Maurice Sendak
  • My life in Brooklyn was in constant danger because of my bad health.
    - Maurice Sendak
  • My life in Brooklyn was in constant danger because of my bad health.
    - Maurice Sendak
  • If life is so critical, if Anne Frank could die, if my friend could die, children were as vulnerable as adults, and that gave me a secret purpose to my work, to make them live. Because I wanted to live. I wanted to grow up.
    - Maurice Sendak
  • When Mozart is playing in my room, I am in conjunction with something I can't explain... I don't need to. I know that if there's a purpose for life, it was for me to hear Mozart.
    - Maurice Sendak
  • Kids lead a very private life.
    - Maurice Sendak